Transverse Joint Configuration Development and Testing for a Modular Bridge Deck Replacement

Category: Completed Projects
Group: Decks
Subject: Deck Panels
State: New Hampshire

According to the 2009 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, one in four of the nation’s bridges are listed as structurally deficient of functionally obsolete, establishing a dire need for new and innovative repair and replacement techniques to improvethe efficiency and state of the nation’s bridges.Full-depth pre-cast bridge deck panels have proven to be a rapid, efficient and cost effective solution to cast-in-place bridge deck replacement techniques. However, the panel-to-panel connection for these segmental deck replacement systems requires further development and testing to improve their structural redundancy, and to streamline their installation procedure. Multiple transverse joint configurations have been developed, fabricated, and tested in order to evaluate their shear transfer capabilities and ease of use. It was determined that a round corrugated transverse joint configuration provided the greatest shear transfer capacity and an efficient installation procedure.

Key Words:

Modular structures, Bridge decks, Bridge construction, Transverse joints, Structural health monitoring, Shear strength,

Specific ABC aspect:

Budget and Timeline

Budget (USD): 151000.00
Project length: 36
Project Starting Year: 2008
Project Completion Year: 2011

Primary Sponsor

New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Bureau of Materials and Research
Box 483
5 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03302-0483 USA

Primary Performing Organization

University of New Hampshire
Kingsbury Hall, Room W141
33 Academic Way
Durham. NH 3824 USA

Charles H. Goodspeed
Associate Professor
(603) 862-1443

Other Documents

View FHWA-NH-RD-14282T.pdf

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