State: UT
Owner: State
Location: Urban
Spans: One-span
Beam material: Concrete
Max Span Length (ft.): 80
Total Bridge Length (ft.): 80
Construction Equipment Category: Lateral Slide
ABC Construction Equipment: Lateral slide w/pad (skids)
State ID Number: F-180-3(148)128
NBI Number: Eastbound: 2F 793 ; Westbound: 4F 793
Latitude: 40.7128906 | Longitude: -100
Bridge Description
Project Summary:Project Location:
Salt Lake City
Impact Category:
Tier 2 (within 3 days)
Mobility Impact Time:
ABC: Partial slides on Friday nights reduced I-80 from 3 to 2 lanes during day on Saturday; I-80 closed 8 hrs; 2300 East on-ramp closed 14 days; bridges were skid into place over two weekends; total construction time was 4.5 months; Conventional: 6 to 7 months of I-80 reduced lanes and traffic shifts with phased construction
Primary Drivers:
reduced onsite construction time; reduced traffic impacts; improved work-zone safety; improved site constructability; improved material quality and product durability
80-ft long and 62.83-ft wide single-span bridge slide-in; 650-ton self-weight
Average Daily Traffic (at time of construction):
Traffic Management (if constructed conventionally):
Traffic management alternative, if constructed conventionally: shift lanes to eastbound bridge for westbound bridge replacement, and vice versa
Existing Bridge Description:
The twin single-span three-lane eastbound and westbound bridges were each 80-ft long and 62.83-ft wide. Built in 1965, they were deteriorated and required replacement.
Replacement or New Bridge:
Construction Method:
The replacement superstructure spans each consisted of nine 36-inch-deep AASHTO Type II prestressed girders at 7.08-ft spacing with an 8-inch-thick cast-in-place lightweight concrete deck. The spans were constructed, complete with approach slabs, adjacent to the existing bridge on elevated shoring towers. A steep grade combined with ramp access to I-15 on the north side of the westbound bridge resulted in the need to build the new westbound span five feet higher in elevation. Substructures for the replacement bridges were built low enough underneath the existing bridges, while traffic was maintained, to act as permanent slide guides for the new spans. To replace the two spans, I-80 was closed from 10 pm on Saturday until 6 am the next day on two consecutive weekends in October 2009. The existing bridges were demolished conventionally. Cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete abutments were constructed under the existing bridges prior to the bridge slide. The new spans were then slid off the temporary abutments and onto the new abutments, with the new westbound span jacked down from its elevated location before being slid into place.
Stakeholder Feedback:
The design-build method with selection based on lowest bid was selected for this project to benefit from contractor innovation. The contract allowed an I-80 maximum closure of 18 hrs and a 2300 East on-ramp maximum closure of 14 days. UDOT imposed incentives and disincentives of $7,500 per 15-minute period, with a maximum incentive of $150,000. The 2300 East Bridge required completion in less than 13 hrs to receive the maximum incentive. I-80 was closed for 8 hours.
A partial slide occurred on the Friday night which reduced the three lanes down to two lanes all day on Saturday. This enabled the contractor to shorten the Saturday night closure. It was a balance of reducing risk and minimizing the impacts to traffic.
High Performance Material:
Lightweight concrete deck
Project Planning
Decision Making Tools: State processSite Procurement:
Project Delivery: design-build (low bid)
Contracting: full lane closure; incentive / disincentive clause
Geotechnical Solutions
Foundations & Walls:Rapid Embankment:
Structural Solutions
Prefabricated Bridge Elements:Prefabricated Bridge Systems: FDcBc (full-width concrete-decked concrete beam unit)
Miscellaneous Prefabricated: precast approach slab; LWC deck
Costs & Funding
Costs:$5 million construction cost. The contractor priced the risk and staff hours into the bid for accelerated construction. The estimated cost of accelerated techniques is approximately $1.0 million.
Funding Source:
Federal and State
Incentive Program:
Other: ARR Act (ARRA – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)
Additional Information
Downloadable Resources
Contract Plans:Specifications:
Bid Tabs:
Construction Schedule:
Other Related Information:
Summary Sheet:
Other Related URLs:
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Utah Department of Transportation
Carmen Swanwick, P.E.
Chief Structural Engineer
Utah Department of Transportation